Thursday, June 26, 2008


The website is updated with a fun new layout!! You can check it out at! I was bored for a few minutes and browsing around other sites and there must have been half a dozen with the same look as mine. There may be several out there that have the same look now, but at least I can customize the header (which happens to be the same as this one 'cause I like it).

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another ACEO

I love these cards! I think I may put too much time into them, but what the heck! This is another little one with a unicorn called "Sunrise Gift." I may put it up for sale on Etsy...I just have to decide if I can part with it.

The polar bear has been sent on vacation. I have too much time invested to completely throw it, but I have been getting frustrated with it. Too much white white to get a good finish on black paper :(

Friday, June 20, 2008

Website is back!

I have been busily updating my website. It doesn't take long for it to become frustrating heehee. I have been making beads and jewelry on a regular basis as well. It feels so good to be back in action! I even have some stuff listed on Etsy! Now all I have to do is figure out how to get the mini-Etsy shop in the side bar LOL!